
Limited Edition – Unlimited Joy

Limited Edition - Unlimited Joy

Addressed to young local Artists who can create a label for a limited edition “Subject: Joy – la gioia”
(label and adaption further comunication tools)

The art of taste and the art of painting meet and give life to a masterpiece
. This is the aim of the Mocavero Winery of Arnesano (Le) with the contest “Limited Edition - Unlimited Joy”, looking for a young local artist who can create a label for a limited edition.
Covid situation has changed everyday life, causing many problems, damaging especially the Artistic sector, that is why Mocavero company is launching this project that supports Art, Artists and give them exposure, recognizing their importance. A little support to the world of Art.

That is the essence of the project "Joy". After the darkness of 2020, Mocavero Company wants to bring joy, through a limited edition of one of its wines with an "Artistic" label, created by a local artist who can instill and transfer the concept of “joy, optimism, rebirth” into the label.

The winning Artist will gain a cash prize, as well as the opportunity to access exhibition services at corporate, marketing and support events.
All the masterpieces, in addition to the winner one, may be exhibited at the inauguration of the new wing of the winery and/or in events in which Mocavero Vini will take part, as well as published on the company's social media pages.

There is no maximum number of participants. Participation is free. Mocavero Company team will take care of selection.
The applicationform can be sent until 31 May 2021.
All information is published in the Contest rules.

If you wish to receive more information, you may send an email to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., writing “FAQ CONTEST MOCAVERO VINI” in the subject.
Replies will be published on the website within 24 hours after receiving the email.

Download the complete contest rules and related documents:

This competition is not subject to ministerial authorization D.P.R. n. 430 of 26/10/2001, article 6.
